A booksy gathering in Hull

Last month I went to Hull for the weekend. I enjoyed an interesting guided tour round Hull city centre – obviously this is a loved city with a spirit of independence and creativity - but the reason for my visit was to attend the AGM of...


The story of a dolls’ house

Back in the 1930s, a Midlands solicitor and his wife commissioned the making of an expensive dolls’ house as a birthday present for their elder daughter Ursula. On the day, her father sent the child on an errand to the room where it had been...


How we battle climate change: a few ignorant questions

(Once again, apologies for lateness.) This week a fairly depressing and urgent IPCC report was issued  - see here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-60984663) We can try to battle climate change by challenging the government and campaigning for better insulation, more wind farms etc. And/or we can try to battle climate change...


Snow, rain and language

It is or has been alleged that the Inuit people have a large number of words for snow, presumably different types of snow. I was going to write a post about how this theory is connected, if at all, to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, also known as...


Ignorant musings on Ukraine

I was planning to get back to blogging, honest, but life has been busy. But here are a few thoughts about the topic on everyone's mind; they're not likely to be better than anyone else's. Practically speaking, it makes absolutely no difference how much I express...