Space is big

I’m taking a risk today, commenting on a TV programme I didn’t actually watch, although my husband did. On Monday night BBC 2 broadcast “The Search for a New Earth” Part 1. I quote from the description in the Guardian Guide: “With humans knackering up the...


Something a little different

The woman lay on the straw, eyes wide, shoulders shivering. She revived a little to drink. Kneeling beside her, he noticed that her teeth were sound. What is such a woman doing, deep in the Haymonese countryside, without servants? “You’re safe here, madam. Please rest. I am...


Our expectations

None of us likes the fact that many of the world’s poor live without education, clean water, etc, while some of the rich have private jets. But what would a more equal world mean? Would it mean that everyone had what I (middle-class British) take for...


Books in instalments, and literary structure

I thought I’d be a bit booksy today. I’ve recently been reading two novels, one 19th and one 21st century. The first was “The Eustace Diamonds” by Anthony Trollope, first published in monthly instalments in 1873. I had read it before in my teenage Trollope Period. The...