Christmas busy-ness

Christmas is coming, and I am very busy, so instead of writing a new post I have decided to reproduce a short document I wrote for myself and friends in 2013 about being busy at Christmas.  Apologies to those who have seen this before. The 2013...


The debate on bombing IS/Daesh in Syria

  This is a very brief post, because my ignorance is great, and my understanding shallow.   I have three thoughts to offer:   The absolutely crucial thing (I was particularly aware of this at the time of our intervention in Afghanistan after 9/11) is for all sides in the...


I am a Global Leader, in Coventry

This blog is mostly about ideas, comments and books, and not about my general life, which is no more interesting than anyone else’s, and possibly less.  However I thought I might make an exception, to describe the Global Leaders’ Summit on 16th – 17th October...


Christmas present books for your Christian friend – 1

What books do Christians like? I could recommend some books of prayers, theology, Christian biography and standard Christian fiction, much of which seems to feature bonnet-wearing American women.  Except that this would be difficult, because I don’t read much official Christian literature.  (My friends are working...