On art, history and the story, by Ian S

The second guest on the blog is Ian Storer.  All the pictures on the site that are not maps or photographs are his work (see the World, Books and SWM sections).  A visit to his website (scipio6.wix.com/scipio-designs) displays more of his artwork in drawing and...


The Bible, 1900 years on (Questions 2)

My mother, Ursula Hall, who was a historian, wrote about St Andrew and his somewhat tenuous connection to Scotland.  In an unpublished work she commented on the rapid spread of the Christian church in the decades after its founding.  “These [the apostles] were the men...


What we don’t get a referendum on

Like most people, I wear many hats (metaphorically).  Readers of this blog will have become familiar with the woolly bobble-hat of my Christian/churchwarden mode, and also with the frilly bonnet of my writer-and-reader/book-lover persona.  But there are others, and today I’m wearing the flat cap...


The Force Awakens, by CR

I am pleased to welcome my first guest to this blog.  I asked my good friend and fellow churchwarden Clint Redwood to post his views on what is possibly his favourite subject. Star Wars – The Force Awakens Reviewing anything like Star Wars presents possibly as much...