Voiceless Day

(Happy New Year!) As most of you know, I allocated 27th December 2019 as a Voiceless Day: partly as a social media advertising device, and partly as an experiment in the life of my protagonist, Hridnaya. Hridnaya is a Voiceless servant, whose purpose is to enable her...


Christmas in Ragaris

A certain amount can be learned about Christmas on Ragaris from the end of “We Do Not Kill Children” and the rest of the canon, especially “The Queen’s Gift”, which is here https://www.penelopewallace.com/the-queens-gift/. I do know a bit more – although it should be remembered...


Not a ruin

(I thought I'd leave the election until later - and then I thought I couldn't bear not to rant today - and then I thought again. So you will get my doubtless unoriginal musings on the election at some point, but not till after Christmas.) My...


Uganda (2) : The Church

As I said, "We spent a few days in the town of Ibanda, accommodated in church-leaders’ homes. We then spent two days in a game park, being wide-eyed tourists. Then some of the team went north to the large town of Lira." The object of visiting...