The Archbishop’s gathering

  The meeting of the leaders of the various provinces of the Anglican Communion, which took place last week, has been very confusing to follow.  The confusion even extends to the name “Primates’ Meeting”, which is frankly not helpful for anyone with a normal sense of...


The heroes of “Pride and Prejudice”

Last Friday, the meeting of the Anglican leaders  called by the Archbishop of Canterbury broke up without a formal split in the Communion, and issued a statement.  I am intending to post a blog about this, but am still gathering thoughts and information. In the meantime,...


Jeremy Corbyn – a literary comparison

Before I begin on that, here is a PS to a previous post. On 8th Jan, I mentioned Anthony Trollope’s Barsetshire series, and one of his most famous characters, Mrs Proudie.  Some of my readers may be old enough to recall the 1982 BBC TV series,...


The real difficulties – Questions 1

Hello, people. In my “mission statement” post on 1st Dec, I said that I wanted To help people, including myself, to stay Christians by honestly facing and exploring, from within the faith and before God, the real difficulties that many of us see when we sing modern...


Christmas TV

Hugh Bonneville (National Treasure) is one of my Discoveries.  I have quite a good future-star-spotting technique that works in reverse. Like this: I watch a TV episode or a film; I notice a particularly hapless, camp or unappealing character, and I think, “Poor guy (the actor). ...