Oxfam and sex

This news story is developing every day. These thoughts may have been overtaken by events by the time you read them. It is alleged that while working in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, some fairly high-ranking Oxfam employees had sex with prostitutes....


A sensitive issue

This post may offend. I think I've said this before, but this time it really may. My impression is that one of the reason why some Christians in America could not and would not consider voting for Hillary Clinton was that her feminism included a strong...


Ursula Le Guin

I think Ursula Le Guin was the first author who I noticed wrote both for children and adults. Long before JK Rowling was writing children’s fantasy, and schools of magic, there was the wonderful and prolific Diana Wynne Jones. Her first book, “Wilkins’ Tooth”, was published...


Horatius, Haymon and the Darkest Hour

Last Saturday I watched the film “Darkest Hour”, starring Gary Oldman. It covers a few days in 1940 at the beginning of Winston Churchill’s premiership, when France was about to fall, and many in the Cabinet felt Britain should enter peace negotiations with Hitler. (Spoiler:...


A prayer for the New Year

Something a bit different. A prayer for 2018 inspired by the story of the Magi in St Matthew chapter 2. Father God, of course we know that 1st January really has no more significance than any other, but it may be a time to stop, to...