God in history, by MP

You may remember my post a few weeks ago https://www.penelopewallace.com/the-bible-1900-years-on-questions-2/  in which I started wondering about looking for God's actions in post-Biblical history. My friend retired vicar Mike Payne responded instantly with some thoughtful comments that I think provide a very good place to start, and...



I’ve finally finished reading a box-set SF trilogy given me a while ago by a friend.  The Void trilogy by Peter F Hamilton (a British writer apparently of some renown) is really one long story in three volumes, but is part of an overall sequence...


Reasons for spring (or other) cleaning

Did anyone make a New Year’s Resolution this year to keep their house, office or computer files cleaner or tidier?  I don’t want to discourage you if you have. As everyone who visits my house probably guesses, I have been conducting a scientific experiment for some...



Greetings once again. Being a very privileged person, I have just returned from 10 days in California (husband at scientific convention in San Diego; wife along for the ride).  I do not intend to describe the trip here – the place for that is Facebook, face-to-face,...