
As a dyed-in-the-wool Tolkien fan, I have read the Silmarillion, which covers arguably the whole history of Middle-Earth. It doesn’t just tell us the First Age legend of Beren and Luthien, and the Second Age drama of Numenor’s downfall. It also contains a delightful section...


Competition deadline extended by two days

Dear friendly readers. I have decided to extend your opportunity of naming a character in "The Servant's Voice" until the end of  Monday 2nd July. The naming rules are here: but if you ignore them I can always adapt your suggestion! Love from the PPI Blogger, back from Italy...


Unusual sight: PPI Blogger in a garden

Last weekend the weather here was absolutely beautiful, which was good news for the local celebration known as the Beeston and Chilwell Garden Trail. This is one of my favourite events of the year, though I don’t always manage to attend. In the interests of impartiality, I’m...


The Kingdom of God

What does the Kingdom of God mean? During His earthly ministry, Jesus sent out disciples two by two by preach and heal. They preached “the gospel” and “the kingdom of God”, and I’ve always wondered about the content of their sermons, considering that Christianity and its...


David Wilson (1927-2000)

The BBC has an archive, some of which seems to be available online and on Facebook, and recently my cousin Calum Benison has been posting a few snippets showing 1960s news broadcasts about recent innovations in science. My interest in these has been mainly because...