In praise of homeliness

The wonderful American etiquette writer Miss Manners once received a query from someone who was worried about what to do when shown photos of her friend’s ugly grandchild.  Should she lie?  Miss Manners responded, “It is not a lie.  All brides and all babies are...


God’s Responsibility 2

The second thing for which God is responsible, and which surely must have been planned by Him, is the passage of time. (For the first thing, see God’s Responsibility 1, 13th May.) It looks from the New Testament as if all its writers, and Jesus Himself, expected...


Charity collecting

NB This post is two days late, due to weekend gallivant to Hereford and Worcester, and technical difficulties.  My apologies. Last week was Christian Aid Week, as I’m sure you know.  I went out to collect from my usual street, which I’ve been visiting for somewhere...