Advertising – seeking advice

You may think that you’ve heard quite enough about “The Servant’s Voice”, and next week I will indeed go on to something else, I promise. But given that part of the purpose of this blog is unashamedly to promote my books, I’m assuming a fairly...


How my generation was brought up: the facts

Growing up in a house crammed with books, there were a few perhaps unexpected ones I discovered for myself, and came to love. Among these were the works of John and Elizabeth Newson, an enterprising couple who set out to discover how ordinary mothers brought...


The Sadducees and Julian Barnes

Recently I was reading the section in chapter 22 of Matthew’s gospel where Jesus is asked a question by the Sadducees “who say there is no resurrection.” “Now there were seven brothers among us; the first married and died, and having no children left his wife...


The desire to sing comic songs on the ruins

The following telephone conversation (more or less) took place, yesterday, Thursday. Me: Hello. Caller: Good morning, can I speak to Mrs Wallace? Me: I am Mrs Wallace, who are you? Caller: I am from Telephone Preference Service, I am here to tell you that we are going to block...