Time travel with magic by IS

My friend and cover-artist Ian Storer has previously written for this blog. He will shortly be publishing “Taken Things”, the first in a series of tales set around the so-called Unnatural History Museum, the workplace of Dr Speedwell and Polly Nightingale. I asked him to...


God’s Responsibility 2

The second thing for which God is responsible, and which surely must have been planned by Him, is the passage of time. (For the first thing, see God’s Responsibility 1, 13th May.) It looks from the New Testament as if all its writers, and Jesus Himself, expected...


On art, history and the story, by Ian S

The second guest on the blog is Ian Storer.  All the pictures on the site that are not maps or photographs are his work (see the World, Books and SWM sections).  A visit to his website (scipio6.wix.com/scipio-designs) displays more of his artwork in drawing and...


The Bible, 1900 years on (Questions 2)

My mother, Ursula Hall, who was a historian, wrote about St Andrew and his somewhat tenuous connection to Scotland.  In an unpublished work she commented on the rapid spread of the Christian church in the decades after its founding.  “These [the apostles] were the men...