An unexpected post about football

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned my fascination with football? No, of course I haven’t, because it doesn’t exist. I don’t think I have ever watched an entire football match in my life; I watched half of one my son was playing in. I’ve drawn...


Doing something for the first time

We Christians occasionally wonder how best to welcome visitors, in an age when many adults almost never enter a church. The weirdness of the experience for the newcomer is sometimes compared with that of a respectable middle-class person entering a betting shop for the first...


Hanging on to life and hope

I see that my last three posts have all been about books, so this one had better not be. I did speculate about writing “People I’m Hoping Will Die Soonish,” but well, it might be in bad taste. This thought was inspired by two people. One was...


Eco-shopping and the Slipper Saga

Did I tell you about the Monthly Eco Baby-Steps Plan, by the way? Last month’s baby-step was “try to make sure I don’t overfill the kettle” which is indeed pretty baby. It’s also trickier than I’d realised, because a short person like myself doesn’t automatically...


Person of Beeston

I was very flattered a little while ago when a local artist I knew slightly said he wanted to paint my portrait. His name is Matthew Lyons, and I think it was during the pandemic that he decided to paint a varied series of local people,...


Democracy : a ponder

Someone I know asked whether, or to what extent, we do or should blame the people of Russia for the actions of Vladimir Putin. I had already been wondering about a post on the disadvantages of democracy. The obvious quote here is Churchill: “it has been said...


Being a feminist

Recently I had a fascinating discussion about feminism with a reader of this blog. He expressed the view that belief in feminism meant believing (doubtless among other things) that women should have the same opportunities as men. What are these opportunities, he wondered? Following the Lionesses’...