Post-Christmas gratitude

Festive greetings to all. (Warning: high saccharine content) A few days ago, I let rip on the subject of the excessive pressure on people, spiritual and otherwise, of the Christmas season.  Although the season is not over (12 days!) it has peaked, and I am now in...


Santa Claus is coming to town

Once upon a time there was a bishop called Nicholas.  The legends about him say that he threw money in at a window to fill shoes of poor children.  And the great myth was born. Any country as dreich as Britain at this time of year...


Natural beauty for the city-dweller

The Psalms are full of injunctions to praise God for various things, and one of these is the natural world.  Many of us find a deep connection to spiritual things when gazing at, say, the stars, the sea, or the mountains…  As a popular song...


Christmas busy-ness

Christmas is coming, and I am very busy, so instead of writing a new post I have decided to reproduce a short document I wrote for myself and friends in 2013 about being busy at Christmas.  Apologies to those who have seen this before. The 2013...